A Plea To Young People
The greatest choice of any young person now, is to give his or her life wholly and solely to the Lord. It will save them unnecessary burdens.
A study proved that 88% of all conversions occur before age 19 and 68% occur between 9 and 14.
80% of school students who graduate without Jesus will never be saved and children ages 5-13 have a 32% probability of being saved. 14-18 have a 4% probability and 18 plus have a 6% probability. What this means? The longer you go without Jesus, the less chances you have because the enemy, Satan keeps blinding their eyes with the pleasures of this world. I entreat all young people today, do not burn your candle for the devil and blow the smoke of a wasted life in the face of God. He wants you now because you are strong to carry His message far and near. Do not waste your energy, your vim and vitality for old Lucifer, the devil and be like that a 94 year old man who got saved at a nursing home.
Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them (Ecclesiastes 12:1).
Daniel was a young prince of Judah when he was captured by Nebuchadnezzar in 606 B.C. Daniel had to decide whether he should partake of the food and drink that was set before him. However, Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the Kings meat, nor with his wine (Daniel 1:8). Daniel asked for a more wholesome and healthy food, and guess what, he got it. His determination not to violate his conscience marked him as a youth with a bright future, and what a future it was. Young people, dare to be like Daniel, dare to stand alone, do not follow the crowd, be determined to give God a chance in your life today.