Signs Of The End Times There are those who would roll their eyes at the idea of the signs of the end times. This is due in large part to the number of times in the past people have proclaimed that the end times were upon us. That being said, the events of the past few years, or even decade, have Bible scholars at all levels looking closer to ascertain if prophesy is indeed being fulfilled. Date and Time Is there a preordained date and time for the end of the world? In the Bible, this question was posed of Jesus, to which he said that no one would know the day of the end save God himself; however, He did say there would be unmistakable signs. So, while according to the Bible no one can know the specific month, day or hour of the end times return of Christ, it is clear that the season will be apparent. Prophesy of the Signs There are many signs listed in the New Testament that will proclaim that the end of the world is near. Here are but a few and the manner...
Showing posts from July 10, 2011