Happy Mother's Day on May 9, 2010
Mothers are very important people. Without mothers, there would be no children. So why do we treat our mothers so shabbily at times? Many today are both mother and father to the children and the difficulty to provide is crucial and depressing, but there are those who continue to provide against the odds. Mothers have a huge responsibility to foster healthy development in their children. The reason for this is that most times the fathers are away from the homes, trying to make a living for the family. Therefore, whether the children like it or not, mothers have to make a unique contribution to provide a stable and secure environment where children can flourish and feel protected. Many times mothers are criticized , misjudged, ignored, and disrespected by children for doing the moral and God-given commandment to train them in the proper way. However, in Proverbs 22:6, it says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when He is old, he will not depart ...