Friend Of Sinners

A four-year-old child was asking her father about God. "Daddy, God made the heavens and earth, didn't He?' "Yes, my dear." "Then, He made the flower in that flower pot, didn't He?" "Yes!" "Well, that means He got His hands dirty."  Yes. God was willing to get His hands dirty to be a friend of sinners.  It seems logical to say that holiness and perfection might shun impurity and imperfection, but not so to Christ.  In biblical times, sinners were somewhat outcasts of the prevailing religious culture.  They were shunned, sometimes exploited for gain. There was no place for them at the tables of the rich and pious.  They had few friends other than those of their kind.  Jesus came to save sinners, and even today there are only two kinds of persons: sinners and sinners saved by the grace of a good, loving, and redeeming Saviour.  He shuns them not.  He wants to make them whole.  That is His mission. Remember, Jesus is your forever Friend.  Thank God He is my Redeemer, He did not remain aloof for those who needed Him.  Take Him as your friend today.

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