What Can I Give?
In the story of the wise men we find a beautiful progression of faith:
1. Seeking: They saw the star in the sky and departed following it.
2. Finding: They went to Jerusalem enquiring of Herod where the baby was.
3. Worshipping: They fall on their knees before the Saviour in Worship.
4. Giving: After worship, or as a part of their worship, they gave their gifts.
These gifts that they gave were were very interesting. They gave:
1. Gold: A fitting gift and tribute to a King. Jesus was King of Kings.
2. Frankincense: A yellow substance used in incense. This would have been given as an acknowledgement of His divinity.
3. Myrrh: Used in perfuming ointments from a bitter herb. This was given as a tribute to the suffering Saviour.
we may not be able to give gold, frankincense and myrrh, but what can we give?
We can give our bodies, give ourselves wholly to the things of God, give attendance to the reading of the Word, give earnest heed to what we have heard, give ourselves continually to prayer, give thanks for everything, give money to the Lord. God loves the one that gives willingly and cheerfully.