Victoria Osteen
Life can get so busy at times.
Life can get so busy at times.
It’s easy to get wrapped up in
everything we have to do,
plowing through the day and
checking off our
“to do” lists. But if we are going to have the strong
and healthy relationships God desires for us, it’s
important that we take time and think of ways to
keep the connections strong with our friends
and family.
One thing I’ve learned is that showing respect
One thing I’ve learned is that showing respect
to one another is one way to keep our
connection strong. Now, we don’t always
agree on everything, but because we value
and respect one another, sometimes we just
agree to disagree. We give each other space
to be individuals, and we respect our differences
as much as we value our similarities. We respect
the fact that we each have our own views.
We don’t allow differences of opinion to drive
a wedge between us.
The moment you lose respect, you begin to say
We don’t allow differences of opinion to drive
a wedge between us.
The moment you lose respect, you begin to say
things you don’t mean. You just say things to
prove a point or try to push buttons, and that
only brings strife into your relationships.
Once there’s a wedge of strife, the Bible says
that the door is open to every evil work. In other
words, strife opens the door to the enemy to
wreak havoc on our relationships.
Close the door on the enemy by choosing to
Close the door on the enemy by choosing to
respect the people in your life. We all come
from different backgrounds. We were raised
differently. People just see things differently,
so why should we get mad at each other over
disagreements? In most cases, there’s a whole
lot more that you do agree on than what you
disagree on. Focus on the ways people add value
to you. Choose respect and don’t let the little
things rob you of the peace and joy God desires
to give you through the relationships in your life!